Go. Send. Disobey.

Why should you buy our products? Well, this is one way we are able to do the things we do for the itty bitty community of Plant City. We understand that just giving money to any organization, nonprofit or otherwise, can be a little challenging. You don’t really know where your money is going or what the
organization actually does with your funds. Transparency is key in these situations. However, when you receive something that represents that support there’s less awkwardness about giving it.
In an effort to be both transparent and beneficial to you, we have chosen to use our own personal artistic gifting to create products. And this is the transparency part… Monies acquired through donations and sales of products enable us to:
• feed the homeless at the Planteen and also those families residing in the Knights Inn motel/hotel
• create Freesales that allow the less fortunate to come and receive clothing and furniture and other home goods for free
• participate in the Strawberry Classic car show with our Love Booth where additional free things are provided, including Tracie Goff’s famous sweet tea
• pay for first month’s rent for people getting back on their feet
• provide clothing and hygiene necessities for the homeless and disadvantaged
• pay for this website and the other fees associated with running a nonprofit
• eventually, pay our resident missionary, who creates the artwork/products and works on our website
Certainly there is more to come as it relates to what we hope to do for those in need in our area. If you are from around here, you know that Plant City is growing at a pace most of us have not prepared for. And as it’s doing so, we are seeing a drastic increase in crime and violence. Like other places in this country, there has also been a dramatic escalation in poverty and homelessness.
As children of God, we are called to do for the least of these. Your donations and purchases are your contribution to this calling. This means we go where you can’t.
In fact, a preacher/missionary from Japan just made this concept all the more clear to us when he suggested that as believers we only have 3 choices here: Go. Send. Disobey. Thusly, if you can’t go, you need to send, or else you disobey. We‘re willing to be sent where you can’t go. Please help support us in this. And, enjoy your super cool products in the midst of it!