The Calling of Every Child of God

While Cyrus, the one the Lord was speaking to in this chapter, was not a man of God, he was still being used for the Lord’s purpose. And Jesus, who is the Lord, was announcing that He was going to clear the path for Cyrus to build His city and set His children, the remnant, the exiles, free.
If God’s willing to do that with someone who doesn’t even know Him, do you think He’s not willing to do that and even more for His children? Let us assure you, He’s willing. And waiting!
As children of the Living God, as those who “Live the Label” we wear as Christ-followers, we need to really start trusting our Father in heaven. He makes a way where there seems to be no way. He makes our ground level and our path wide that we not stumble, that our feet will not slip. And, yes! We’re here to set His exiles free.
The Hands and Feet of JESUS isn’t just the name of a ministry, it’s the calling of every child of God. We have put on Christ. We have been clothed in Christ. That means we’re literally His hands and feet everywhere we go.
And what did He stand up in the synagogue and proclaim was fulfilled in their hearing? Bringing good news to the poor, binding up the brokenhearted, proclaiming liberty to the captives, opening the prisons of those who are bound…etc. (Isaiah 61:1-3). This is what we’re here for! It’s time to rise up and be about the Father’s business.
Father, empower us to look more like You. We want Your image and likeness to radiate from us. Fill us with Your spirit so that we can do all the things Jesus placed us here to do. Open our eyes and ears to the needs around us and enable us to be able to meet them. We want to be You, here, and now. Thank You that You listen to Your children. In Jesus’ Name we praise You. Amen.