We’re Dreaming BIG!

Well, 2024 has started, and since we know Jesus was willing to humbly beg His Father for things, we’re going to do the same! For Hands & Feet of JESUS, Inc. that means dreaming big.
Last year we were able to get some amazing projects and events going but we really want to “Live the Label” this year! That means we want to accomplish infinitely and indescribably more to help our community.

While it’s true that 2023 provided us the ability to serve hundreds of people, this year we want to reach thousands upon thousands with the immeasurable love of Jesus. That means tons more Freesales and Love Booth opportunities. It also means initiating our Pop-up Provision Trailer in low income neighborhoods and trailer parks.
We need all the help we can get to achieve the dreams God has laid on our hearts!
As it stands, Hope Children’s Home received $500 from us to support their mission to care for abused and neglected children in 2022. That seems like a menial amount, but it was because of people donating to the Freesales and Love Booths (where everything is free) that we were able to give them something at all.
Certainly we can do better, with your help! In truth, we want to give them $50,000 this year! Told you, we are dreaming BIG!
Additionally, we helped some indigent people get into rental properties and purchase RV homes. These are hard times for a lot of people. So whenever we can get them off, or keep them off, the streets we get excited and praise God for His provision!
For years we’ve dreamed of providing shower stations for homeless people so they can get work. And this year we want to make sure that happens. Thankfully, our Freesales can also provide them with work attire and shoes.
Since we started our clothing brand, with the help of donated designs from The Prodigal Artist, this is a perfect chance for you to help us help people. Plus you get cool shirts or hoodies that initiate conversation! Don’t miss out on those opportunities to be the hands and feet wherever you live.
We’d like to see thousands of you wearing designs that point people to the Savior, another BIG dream. Buying our shirts goes directly to supporting our mission.
Of course, these are only a few things we want to do this year. But here’s a list of some of our other BIG dreams:
- Love Booths at area craft shows
- Mission trips (in 2023 we went on two: South Dakota -helping in the Badlands & Wisconsin- working in the kitchen of a Christian camp)
- Start a discipling school (K-12)
- Buy a standalone Freesale store (in 2023 we gained access to a building to house our Freesale Storehouse Thrift)
- Load the Pop-up Provision trailer
- Pay for more people to get into homes/apartments (in 2023 we covered more than 3 months of mortgage payments for a single mom)
- Give cars to, or repair cars for, needy families (in 2023 we gave a car to an additional single mom)
- Start a mobile clothes closet for kids at disadvantaged schools
- Support more children’s homes (in 2023 we sent financial assistance to an orphanage in Uganda and sent financial assistance to a ministry to Appalachian people)
- Support women’s shelters
There’s more, of course, but at least you can see where our hearts are in this. So, if you have a heart for people and want them to feel the love of Jesus, like we do, please consider donating (the button is at the bottom of the page) or purchase some of our shirts. And share, share, share, the incredible work we are doing with everyone you know!
Thank you so much, in advance, for helping make 2024 the year BIG dreams come true for us and all the people we serve. We need you and they need Him!
In truth, we wrote this piece last year. But, since we are not losing hope in the dreams and directives God has given us for this ministry, we’ve just changed the year to reflect a continued belief that God will always do what He says He will do!
Notice the (in 2023) additions to our list of other BIG Dreams. These are the things that showed up after we’d written this in January of 2023!! You can’t tell us God doesn’t do what He says. We aren’t boasting about ourselves but about how God truly does show up for His people! We admit we’re nothing without Him.
We understand that He uses people to bless people. Will you be one of those people who blesses us by enabling us to further bless other people where you can’t?
Some of us go, some send, and some disobey (you can understand this thought better in our Go. Send. Disobey piece). Those are the three options in the lives of those who Live the Label.
We are willing to go.
Please follow the Lord’s leading and send. Let 2024, the year of open doors, be the year these BIG DREAMS are realized for the glory of King Jesus.
Oh, Lord Jesus! We thank You for all the people You are sending to meet the needs of the least of these through the Hands & Feet of JESUS because we are so very willing to go for You. May You be glorified this year in ways we can’t even fathom. We offer up the sacrifice of praise, lips that speak Your Name, because You are GOOD and we love You. Amen!